The Certificate Program in Human Resource Management addresses issues that the human resource professional faces daily, from legal matters to staff recruitment and development. This program is designed for those who have functional responsibility to carry out the duties of an organization’s human resource department; seasoned human resource staff members wishing to keep current; newcomers to the field requiring new knowledge and skills; and specialists wanting to broaden their knowledge.

Major topic areas covered include the role of human resources, employment practices, employee and labor relations, compensation, benefits, safety and health, and employee development. Participants acquire knowledge and skills that are essential in addressing the challenges of the human resource profession.

Course #Course TitleCreditsLength
HRM 422Employment Practices35 weeks
HRM 434Employment Law35 weeks
HRM 424Compensation35 weeks
HRM 425Benefits, Safety, and Health35 weeks
HRM 426Employee Development35 weeks
HRM 427Critical Issues in Human Resource Management35 weeks