The Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) degree program provides learners who hold a professional master’s degree a means of exploring their personal readiness to become leaders in management professions. Learners gain a mastery of business administration literature and demonstrate their competence by applying this knowledge to current business environments.

Course #Course Title CreditsPrerequisite(s)Length
COM 705Communication Strategies13 weeks
LDR 711Transformational Leadership and Innovation38 weeks
SEM 700RDoctoral Program Orientation Seminar03 days
PHL 700RCreative and Critical Thinking35 days
RES 711Fundamental Principles of Sound Research8 weeks
FIN 711Financial Measures of Value Added3 8 weeks
ORG 71121st Century Issues in Organizational BehaviorI3 8 weeks
MGT 711Strategic Opportunities in an Internet-based Global Economy3 8 weeks
MKT 711Marketing and Managing the Customer Relationship3 8 weeks
DOC 721RDoctoral SeminarI2 3 days
RES 721Research MethodsII3 8 weeks
DOC 722Doctoral SeminarII3 8 weeks
LDR 721Ethical Leadership and the Legal Landscape3 8 weeks
BUS 721Issues in Optimizing Operations3 8 weeks
MGT 721Managing the Risks in a Global Environment3 8 weeks
ORG 72121st Century Issues in Organizational BehaviorII3 8 weeks
DOC 731RCollaborative Case Study3 5 days
DOC 732RDoctoral SeminarIII2 3 days
LDR 731Contemporary Issues in Leadership3 8 weeks
BUS 731Transforming the BusinessI3 8 weeks
BUS 732Transforming the BusinessII3 8 weeks
DOC 733Doctoral ProjectI3 8 weeks
DOC 734Doctoral ProjectII3 8 weeks
DOC 740RAnnual Renewal Residency0 3 days